The GKF Selection Series provides best conditions for state-of-the-art, flexible, and safe filling of capsules. It is capable of filling different types of products or combinations of products into hard shell capsules (HPMC or gelatin). Thanks to the modular assembly of the capsule filler, the machines can accommodate filling applications for (mini-) tablets, pellets, granules, liquids, or combinations.

To ensure optimal results, selecting the right dosing disk for your capsule filling machine is essential. We offer a diverse range of dosing discs designed to cater to the specific characteristics and requirements of your products.

Fixed Dosing Discs

Fixed dosing disks represent a reliable option for achieving precise filling volumes, making them a popular choice for applications where filling precision is paramount. These dosing disks are particularly suitable for demanding products, including very sticky powders.

Adjustable Dosing Discs

In contrast, adjustable dosing discs provide flexibility for less demanding products, allowing you to fine-tune your dosing according to the specific properties of your materials. With adjustable dosing disks:

  1. Dosage can be easily modified to accommodate various product characteristics.
  2. The same dosage disk can be used for multiple products or different dosing volumes within a specific capsule size.
  3. Adjustments can be made during the dosing setup, ensuring adaptability to changing requirements.
  4. They are ideal for filling powders, pellets, and granules.

Slug Tests for Tailored Solutions

Syntegon goes the extra mile to assist you in selecting the perfect dosing disc for your capsule filling needs. Their state-of-the-art OSD center in Waiblingen, Germany offers slug tests to determine the most suitable option for your production requirements. These tests can be conducted with both active and placebo powders, ensuring that your dosing disc choice is optimized to meet your specific demands.

Custom Designs

Recognising that no two projects are exactly the same, Syntegon also offers custom dosing disk designs tailored to your unique requirements, especially for more difficult products. This bespoke approach ensures that your dosing disk perfectly aligns with your product specifications, offering the highest level of efficiency and accuracy.

An example can be coating the surface of your disk increasing product flow and minimising product loss.

Quality Assurance

All dosing disks are manufactured at Syntegon’s Waiblingen site, where they are subject to rigorous quality testing practices. This commitment to quality guarantees that you receive a dosing disk that meets the highest standards and provides consistent, reliable performance.2.1 or 3.1 certificates can also be issued when required.

At Nupac, we understand the critical role that dosing disks play in achieving accurate and efficient capsule filling with the Syntegon GKF machine. Whether you opt for a fixed dosing disc for precise filling volumes or an adjustable disk for flexibility, our dosing discs are engineered to meet the diverse requirements of the pharmaceutical industry. To find the perfect dosing disc for your production needs reach out to us today.

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