Nutraceuticals are gaining popularity amongst consumers worldwide with individuals placing a greater focus on healthy and balanced lifestyles. This has also been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic which has encouraged consumers to look towards preventative health care.

The nutraceutical market is extremely wide and encompasses functional food and beverages through to dietary supplements. With the demand increasing, manufacturers are looking toward automation to improve the efficiency and quality of their production. 

At Nupac we specialise in automation machinery for both food and pharmaceutical packaging & processing. With a strong understanding across both industries. Combining this knowledge allows us to provide the advice and support suitable to specific needs within all levels of Nutraceutical manufacturing. 

As market leading suppliers, we help determine the best solution for your needs while working with market leading European machinery including Syntegon (Previously Bosch Packaging Technology), R.Deckert and Rotzinger PharmaPack.

Syntegon – Solutions across all levels

Find the best machinery for your packaging & processing project. Contact us today

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